Google+ Gundam Beginner: July 2013
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27 Jul 2013

GWC1.0 final results

GWC1.0 Top 3 winners!

A long wait since the GWC1.0 submission posted, but here we are, the results everyone has been waiting for. I would like to thank every contestants for their effort and interest in my first ever contest in Gunpla community.

I will be announcing top 3 winners from our average marks out of 3 judges (Me, Syd aka Gaijin Gunpla & Lupes). As previously started:

Judging Criteria:

Each criteria weighs 20% 5 marks and adds up to 100% 25 in total
  1. Nub removal
  2. Seam line treatment
  3. Weathering scale awareness (remember your model's scale)
  4. Weatheirng techniques
  5. Overall appeal
Every judges went through a form like criteria judging process for each contestant. Lupes supplied with total marks as he is having trouble saving the judging form (my bad..) but nonetheless, the marks are very close!!!
Upon request, the judging forms can be send to contestant.

Cut the intro, straight into the results!

13 Jul 2013

GWC1.0 Submissions

Yup, the time is up! Gunpla Weathering Contest 1.0 aka GWC1.0 is now entering the judging phase.
No more submissions shall be accepted from this post onward.

Phew, what a massive downloads from email. I got to say thank you all of you for your time and interest in joining my first ever contest. Time must have overwhelmed some contestants here, since not every one submitted their final photos. So, I'm posting up all submissions I have received now...


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